Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How To Eat Well On Annapurna Circuit Trek

The Annapurna Circuit is a 23 day trek through some of the most amazing scenery in the world. Since you will be on the trail for most of those 23 days you will have to eat food that is indigenous to Nepal. Do not despair, while the food may not be fast—or processed like most westerners are used to it will be plentiful.

Not only will you get in better shape from hiking for 23 days you will also clean out your digestive system by eating healthy along the way. Food is not light, so instead of your porters carrying packs full of food you will be eating the traditional food of the Nepal people in the villages that you encounter.

The Annapurna Circuit is considered a "tea house trek," meaning there are villages with lodges and restaurants to eat and stay in along the entire route. You are expected to eat breakfast and dinner in the same lodge where you are spending the night. The price of rooms is relatively cheap because lodge owners tend to make more money on the food and drinks they are selling you than on the room where you are sleeping. With Himalayan Mountain Treks the price of the food and lodging is all inclusive.

The main staple of the Nepal diet is dahl bhat which translates as rice and lentils. It is consumed daily since it is inexpensive and good for you. Rice is more readily available at the lower elevations where the forests are lush. Along the way you will be treated to local vegetables such as cabbage, green beans, carrots, potatoes, greens, etc. Do not fret if you are not a vegetarian there are also choices of meat — chicken, fish in some areas, water buffalo and yak. The yak is in the bovine family so their meat is similar to beef. You will also be served eggs and rice for breakfast.

Once you reach higher elevations the scenery changes from rice paddies and green forests and gives way to the snow-capped mountains. At this point you will be served barley more frequently. For this reason, if you have any Gluten allergies, be sure to ask what is in the meals that you are served.

Along with the required gear to bring on the trip you may wish to pack in some snacks from home that are light weight and travel well. Snacks that you may bring are energy bars, trail mix, jerky, nuts, dried fruit, etc. You can also bring candy to satisfy your sweet tooth. Just remember to keep it as light as possible and to tip your porters well since they will be the ones carrying it.

Who knows, after your trip you may just give up processed food and stick to a healthier diet of rice and lentils, probably not, who can give up pizza.....

Himalayan Mountain Treks offers Everest Trekking including Mt Everest Base Camp Trek with over 20 years of guiding experience.