Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Does Organic Food Affect Your Body

Present day health conscious people are attracted more towards natural living fundamental, which includes organic foods as well. But, why do people prefer organic foods instead of conventional foods? How does organic ingredients affect your body? Organic products actually are specially grown food products, rich in organic ingredients, inculcated deliberately. Diets rich in organic health items give natural and fresh dose to the body, as compared to the pesticide inflicted non-organic foods, generally available in the market. Sometimes, conventional foods contain genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Problems associated with non-organic foods The following problems are commonly associated with non-organic products:

Low energy Levels

Low libido

Low motivation levels

Low metabolism Benefits of organic foods for the body Organic items provide not only mental and emotional benefits, but also the physical ones. Therefore, organic foods are fulfilling mentally, physically, and psychologically. Organic products do not contain toxins such as pesticides, antibiotics, additives, and nitrates that are mostly present in non-organic foods. According to an article in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, organic foods are nearly the best ones in the terms of nutritional quality.

Nutrients content of organic foods

Haves: Some of the rich nutrients, largely available in organic health items are:

Chromium - A micro-nutrient, found less in conventional food. Its deficiency may cause diabetes and atherosclerosis in adults.

Selenium - An antioxidant micro-nutrient, which protects from cancer, heart disease, and environmental chemical

Calcium - A mineral required for strong bones and teethes

Boron - This trace element prevents osteoporosis

Lithium - Good for the treatment of certain level of depression

Magnesium - Decreases the death rate, caused due to heart attacks and eases the symptoms of PMS

Vitamins - They are necessary for the body in limited supply for its proper functions and its protection against toxins. Vitamins A, B, C (antioxidant), and beta carotene (immunity booster & prevents lung cancer) are found well in organic foods

Have Nots: According to the researchers, organic foods contain less level of minerals, especially the following heavy metals:

Aluminum - Is responsible for the development of Alzheimer's disease

Lead - Has mental implications and can adversely affect children's IQ

Mercury - It causes neurological damage

Therefore, consuming organic produce is certainly a good idea and promise for good health and long lives, provided you follow the right diet patterns coupled with regular exercising! Organic products have health benefits for you and for the environment that makes long term differences.

Natures Organic Market offers discount prices on organic baby clothes, organic coffee, and more.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Why are organic and eco-friendly toys better for our children?

One of the greatest gifts to mankind given by the creator is nature. Now it is our duty to protect this gift. If nature is not properly used and protected, we put ourselves and our next generation into peril. So use of nature and natural products should be made with wisdom. It is also true in the case of manufacture of toys.

Care of child:

It is the duty of every soul in this world to care for the child. He is our successor. The care of his health is of utmost importance. In order to make the child industrious, we provide him with many toys. Unfortunately many of these toys are made of materials like plastic, fibers, etc. which are chemical based products. These products are known to affect the tender skin of the baby. Attracted by the pleasing color of these toys, the toddler puts these products in his mouth and as a result he gets infected. These products are known to be storehouses of many serious diseases. So the child is laid down with serious ailments. His future is affected. Ultimately we have failed in taking proper care of the baby.


The remedy is to stop providing such toys which are manufactured using artificial materials like plastic, etc. Instead, replace these with organic and eco-friendly toys. They do not harm the child. These toys are manufactured using natural materials. They are as attractive as artificial toys. Advantages of organic toys:

As they are made of natural material without any artificial lining around them, they are totally safe for the child. Of course, they cost little more than their counterparts; artificial toys. But looking at the long range benefit, anyone will be willing to pay more. They are free from all sorts of toxic materials. They can be used for longer period of time. They can be repaired and reused. But in any form they are eco friendly. If there is a need to discard these toys, they can be put back on the road; nature will accept them. For example toys made of wood, cotton cloth, clay toys are all eco friendly; when they are discarded in the open, they in no way harm the nature or the neighborhood. But it is not so in case of artificial toys. There are many examples of many electronic gadgets yet to be disposed off because they cannot be thrown in the open for fear of causing environmental hazard.

Natures Organic Market offers discount prices on organic products like the best organic tea and more.