Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Build Your Own Fitness Home Gym

If you are looking to build a home gym this year, there are some important criteria that should be taken into consideration. A good home gym offers versatility, the ability to have a few pieces of exercise equipment perform a wide variety of exercises. It must be durable and be able to handle the rigors of hard resistance training over a long period of time. Exercise equipment shouldn't take up a lot of space. There are many exercises you can do with your own body weight and a mat, so the home gym equipment shouldn't clutter up the workout space, nor be difficult to store. Finally it should be affordable. No one likes investing in a $1000 home gym just to use it as a coat rack or have it collecting dust in the corner within 3 months. This list of exercise equipment should offer solutions in each category listed above and it should provide a challenging and fun workout environment.

Exercise Ball

One of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment, the exercise ball can be used in place of a bench for any supine or seated exercise. The exercise ball comes in a variety of sizes and depending on brand, is made of varying material. Because of the stress placed on a ball during a workout, it is important to look for a ball that is burst proof and it will not pop under you during a workout. To obtain the right size, a ball that sits with your hips and knees at 90 degrees is most likely what you should use for a majority of the exercises. For most, a 55cm or 65cm ball is sufficient. An exercise ball can be purchased for around $25-$60.

The exercise ball will provide an element of instability that cannot be duplicated by a bench; therefore you can improve core stability, and strengthen the integrity of your joints including shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. The more stable you become, the stronger you will be and will drastically reduce the incidence of injury.


A good home gym isn't complete without a few sets of dumbbells. 5-50lbs in increments of 5 will make a complete set for every type of exercise. Dumbbells are good for full body exercises that resist gravity. Exercises such as lunges, squats, shoulder press, bicep curl and chest press are just a few on the list of dumbbell exercises. They are durable, versatile, and a good set will last you a lifetime. A good set of dumbbells may cost $50-$100 for 3-4 sets of varying weight.

Foam Roll

A hard foam cylinder is used for self myfascial release, or self massage. A supplement to stretching, a foam roll can help to increase flexibility in a way that stretching cannot. In addition, it can help to relieve knots and adhesions within muscle tissue. If you don't like being sore after a workout, a foam roll can help to alleviate the soreness and therefore should be a staple item for your home gym. Invest $20 in a good foam roll that will take away your pain and soreness after a tough workout.


The Xerdisc is an air filled rubber disc used for improving balance, and stability. The same exercises that you do while standing (ie..shoulder press, squat, bicep curl) can all be done while standing on an Exerdisc. Improving joint integrity and balance will allow you to become a more stable, stronger individual and the exercises are fun and challenging. It can also be used for ab exercises such as crunches, and anything you can do to make ab exercises harder has to be good! A quality Xerdisc may run about $40.


Tubing comes in a variety of sizes based on the level of tension you want. Tubing can be used for most exercises in place of dumbbells and they will provide a variable tension. The plus side to using tubing is that you can gain resistance from a lateral position that dumbbells cannot provide. Exercises such as wood chops, torso twists, and pulling exercises like the bent row and lat pull are just a few that you can do with tubing that you can't get with other forms or resistance. Tubing is also safe for seniors looking to stay active as there is no risk of dropping the weight. Tubing is color coded in relation to the resistance it provides. I suggest 3-5 different tubes from thin to thick to give you opportunity to perform many exercises with small and large muscle groups. They are usually about $5-$8 a piece and can be used around doorknobs, in door jams and any other stationary post.

This exercise equipment should provide everyone from the novice to the advanced, a well rounded home gym that you can invest in for less than $200 total. The level of versatility, durability, and challenge that is provided by these pieces of equipment is unmatched by any single unit you can buy, and should give you years of workouts that can be changed and progressed as you continue to get into better and better shape. Consult with your personal trainer as to what exercise equipment may be best for your home gym.

Find personal trainer, fitness, and nutrition information you are seaching for at LiveLeanToday.com. LiveLeanToday.com has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Understand Your Feet to Reduce Running Injuries

We have all had some nagging muscles like our hamstrings, or discomfort in our side which we can run and train with. Though when the feet start to hurt, it can lay us up for weeks, months, or worse. Your feet and ankles are the foundation of your running and cardio program. When are feet are working correctly, they allows us to perform at our very best.

The two worse runner or jogger injuries are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Both of these injuries can be cause by overuse, lack of strength, or lack of flexibility. Though your feet are tough and can take a lot, we have to understand how important they are to keep them healthy and pain free.

Your foot is important in both the landing of your steps and the pushing off as well. This is why getting the right shows for your feet are so important. If you land or push off poorly it can affect your entire chain from your ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders. Most running injuries can be attributed back to how people either land or push off.

When you land and your foot is stiff the stress can is one of the causes of shin splints. When we land with a loose foot, the effect is the runners' knees pointing inwards which causes many critical problems.

Plantar fasciitis prevents more runners from running than any other injury. The plantar fascia runs the entire length of the bottom of the foot. The two main reasons for this injury are overtraining and tight calves which put undo strain. Because so many cardio injuries are overuse they can be hard to notice until it is too late. The plantar fascia has poor blood flow which makes it slow to heal. Only rest will relieve the inflammation.

To prevent this injury it is vital that your build up your miles slowly and are on a good training program. Don't necessarily just follow your buddies program. Many cardio athletes are over trainers by nature and don't understand how they don't have to run in pain. If you have tight calves active flexibility training can start to alleviate the issues. Important for you to work on active stretching over static stretching.

The Achilles tendon, which runs up the back of the leg from the heal to the calf, is the other common body injured in runners. Overuse and rapid increases in mileage are the two main culprits that affect your Achilles tendon. Only rest will take away the effects of Achilles tendonitis. Getting a properly fitted shoe is one way to support this issue from not happening.

If you see the trend that overuse is always the main problem with running injuries. The reality is you don't have to do so many miles like most people think. With proper heart rate training, you can train with faster workouts which are less miles and less wear and tear on the body. Interval, tempo, and threshold runs are a bigger key to running success and are a lot less miles.

Find personal trainer, fitness, and nutrition information you are seaching for at LiveLeanToday.com. LiveLeanblog.com has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.