Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How To Eat Well On Annapurna Circuit Trek

The Annapurna Circuit is a 23 day trek through some of the most amazing scenery in the world. Since you will be on the trail for most of those 23 days you will have to eat food that is indigenous to Nepal. Do not despair, while the food may not be fast—or processed like most westerners are used to it will be plentiful.

Not only will you get in better shape from hiking for 23 days you will also clean out your digestive system by eating healthy along the way. Food is not light, so instead of your porters carrying packs full of food you will be eating the traditional food of the Nepal people in the villages that you encounter.

The Annapurna Circuit is considered a "tea house trek," meaning there are villages with lodges and restaurants to eat and stay in along the entire route. You are expected to eat breakfast and dinner in the same lodge where you are spending the night. The price of rooms is relatively cheap because lodge owners tend to make more money on the food and drinks they are selling you than on the room where you are sleeping. With Himalayan Mountain Treks the price of the food and lodging is all inclusive.

The main staple of the Nepal diet is dahl bhat which translates as rice and lentils. It is consumed daily since it is inexpensive and good for you. Rice is more readily available at the lower elevations where the forests are lush. Along the way you will be treated to local vegetables such as cabbage, green beans, carrots, potatoes, greens, etc. Do not fret if you are not a vegetarian there are also choices of meat — chicken, fish in some areas, water buffalo and yak. The yak is in the bovine family so their meat is similar to beef. You will also be served eggs and rice for breakfast.

Once you reach higher elevations the scenery changes from rice paddies and green forests and gives way to the snow-capped mountains. At this point you will be served barley more frequently. For this reason, if you have any Gluten allergies, be sure to ask what is in the meals that you are served.

Along with the required gear to bring on the trip you may wish to pack in some snacks from home that are light weight and travel well. Snacks that you may bring are energy bars, trail mix, jerky, nuts, dried fruit, etc. You can also bring candy to satisfy your sweet tooth. Just remember to keep it as light as possible and to tip your porters well since they will be the ones carrying it.

Who knows, after your trip you may just give up processed food and stick to a healthier diet of rice and lentils, probably not, who can give up pizza.....

Himalayan Mountain Treks offers Everest Trekking including Mt Everest Base Camp Trek with over 20 years of guiding experience.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Does Organic Food Affect Your Body

Present day health conscious people are attracted more towards natural living fundamental, which includes organic foods as well. But, why do people prefer organic foods instead of conventional foods? How does organic ingredients affect your body? Organic products actually are specially grown food products, rich in organic ingredients, inculcated deliberately. Diets rich in organic health items give natural and fresh dose to the body, as compared to the pesticide inflicted non-organic foods, generally available in the market. Sometimes, conventional foods contain genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Problems associated with non-organic foods The following problems are commonly associated with non-organic products:

Low energy Levels

Low libido

Low motivation levels

Low metabolism Benefits of organic foods for the body Organic items provide not only mental and emotional benefits, but also the physical ones. Therefore, organic foods are fulfilling mentally, physically, and psychologically. Organic products do not contain toxins such as pesticides, antibiotics, additives, and nitrates that are mostly present in non-organic foods. According to an article in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, organic foods are nearly the best ones in the terms of nutritional quality.

Nutrients content of organic foods

Haves: Some of the rich nutrients, largely available in organic health items are:

Chromium - A micro-nutrient, found less in conventional food. Its deficiency may cause diabetes and atherosclerosis in adults.

Selenium - An antioxidant micro-nutrient, which protects from cancer, heart disease, and environmental chemical

Calcium - A mineral required for strong bones and teethes

Boron - This trace element prevents osteoporosis

Lithium - Good for the treatment of certain level of depression

Magnesium - Decreases the death rate, caused due to heart attacks and eases the symptoms of PMS

Vitamins - They are necessary for the body in limited supply for its proper functions and its protection against toxins. Vitamins A, B, C (antioxidant), and beta carotene (immunity booster & prevents lung cancer) are found well in organic foods

Have Nots: According to the researchers, organic foods contain less level of minerals, especially the following heavy metals:

Aluminum - Is responsible for the development of Alzheimer's disease

Lead - Has mental implications and can adversely affect children's IQ

Mercury - It causes neurological damage

Therefore, consuming organic produce is certainly a good idea and promise for good health and long lives, provided you follow the right diet patterns coupled with regular exercising! Organic products have health benefits for you and for the environment that makes long term differences.

Natures Organic Market offers discount prices on organic baby clothes, organic coffee, and more.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Why are organic and eco-friendly toys better for our children?

One of the greatest gifts to mankind given by the creator is nature. Now it is our duty to protect this gift. If nature is not properly used and protected, we put ourselves and our next generation into peril. So use of nature and natural products should be made with wisdom. It is also true in the case of manufacture of toys.

Care of child:

It is the duty of every soul in this world to care for the child. He is our successor. The care of his health is of utmost importance. In order to make the child industrious, we provide him with many toys. Unfortunately many of these toys are made of materials like plastic, fibers, etc. which are chemical based products. These products are known to affect the tender skin of the baby. Attracted by the pleasing color of these toys, the toddler puts these products in his mouth and as a result he gets infected. These products are known to be storehouses of many serious diseases. So the child is laid down with serious ailments. His future is affected. Ultimately we have failed in taking proper care of the baby.


The remedy is to stop providing such toys which are manufactured using artificial materials like plastic, etc. Instead, replace these with organic and eco-friendly toys. They do not harm the child. These toys are manufactured using natural materials. They are as attractive as artificial toys. Advantages of organic toys:

As they are made of natural material without any artificial lining around them, they are totally safe for the child. Of course, they cost little more than their counterparts; artificial toys. But looking at the long range benefit, anyone will be willing to pay more. They are free from all sorts of toxic materials. They can be used for longer period of time. They can be repaired and reused. But in any form they are eco friendly. If there is a need to discard these toys, they can be put back on the road; nature will accept them. For example toys made of wood, cotton cloth, clay toys are all eco friendly; when they are discarded in the open, they in no way harm the nature or the neighborhood. But it is not so in case of artificial toys. There are many examples of many electronic gadgets yet to be disposed off because they cannot be thrown in the open for fear of causing environmental hazard.

Natures Organic Market offers discount prices on organic products like the best organic tea and more.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Should I hire a community association management company to help organize my community?

The first question you need to ask does your Homeowner Association Board have extensive and practical experience in financial budgets, governance, community operations, and training for new board members. If you didn't immediately answer yes to each of those questions than a professional community association Management Company could be of service to your board. One more thing to consider is with your homeowner association board is not just do you have the experience, though do you have the time.

Unless your homeowner association board is made of fulltime board members which it probably is not, you have other responsibilities to your own business or employment that take priority for your time. This is why hiring a community management company is so important. That way you have a fulltime staff working to run your community.

One of the most beneficial items from using a professional community management team is operational budgets. The process of having a detailed and accurate budget for board members to make decisions from is crucial to community success. Since management companies with extensive experience have created many successful budgets the difference in accuracy is immense. With realistic budgets and planning your board members can feel confident that they are making the right decisions for their residents. Management services can guide board members through operational challenges that will arise no matter how detailed planning is. The biggest mistake most homeowner association boards make is a lack of a consistent communication process to updates and how the challenge will be solved.

When all community processes are handled by trained fulltime staff your community can run smoothly and it makes you look good for your residents. The reality is that most home owners only notice their association board when there are issues. The best boards are the ones that the residents don't even think about.

Have you ever been frustrated with new board members? Not that they are not bright and highly accomplished people, though they lack the experience of how your board and community works. Professional community management companies should have experience in how to train new board members into effective decision members that can contribute faster to their respected development.

The part that most residents notice the most is the up keep around the properties. Making sure that every person or business responsible is delivering can be overwhelming. The most effective community management companies have systems in place to organic and manage each community to keep property values and impressions up.

Just think if your homeowner association board is having any issues that professional community management could take care of. Less head aches and smoother management makes being on a association board more enjoyable and effective.

Parker Finch specializes in professional community management with online resident services for home owners.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Best Protein Sources for Vegetarians

Proteins are very necessary for human's health. The muscles of the body, hair, fingernails and many other body parts are made up of partially or wholly of protein. It is the common belief of the person that that the main source of proteins are only the non-vegetarian food substances. They think that vegetarian food normally lacks in protein. Now the question emerges, is their belief right? Well you can get the answer of this question by your own while reading this article on vegetarian protein food.

It is a fact that vegetarian food stuffs are also best in providing proteins and that too in high quantity. It is even revealed out of several surveys that those who are vegetarian are more healthy and fit as compared to those who are not. The only important thing to keep in mind is that the healthy vegetarian should take care to have adequate amount of protein in his diet for sure. It is worth to state that vegans require having more sensitivity regarding their body's protein requirements.

Here is a list of pure vegetarian protein food stuffs for vegans:


It is rare and pure vegetarian complete protein that contains all essential amino-acids. It is 85-95 percent digestible and easy for body to assimilate and digest. You can enjoy spirulina in dressing or smoothies.

Bee pollen:

Bee pollen has approximately 40 percent of proteins and packed with vital vitamins and minerals. It is count as nature's super nourishing vegetarian protein food. Bee pollen has more proteins as compared to any other animal sources like beef, eggs, meat etc.

Soy products:

Cooked soybeans (1/2 cup) have 10 grams of proteins and tofu (1/4 cup) also contains same quantity of proteins. Soy products are involved in small quantum in Asian diets while they are completely new for west. Select best quality of organic tofu as well as unsweetened soy milks. Fermented products of soy are very easy to digest.

Legumes and Beans:

Cooked chickpeas (2/3 cup) have 10 grams proteins. Incomplete proteins are present in beans. This means you can make them healthier by cooking them with other protein rich vegetables. Eating grains and beans together is classic combination that provides complete proteins.


Dairy products are very rich in proteins. Raw milk straight from the cow has very high content of proteins. Thus, raw organic as well as fermented milk food products are far better than homogenized and pasteurized milk.

Process of homogenization breaks milk into very smaller particles. These particles cause lactose intolerance. Pasteurization mainly sanitizes milk but also kills its goodness too. The enzymes present in raw milk help in digestion.

However, if you have treated organic-milk as a last option then do not worry. Here are some guidelines to make proteins present in homogenized and pasteurized milk more digestible.

Eat yoghurt.

Warm the milk with some digestive spices like cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

Cottage cheese would become more digestible when it added with little yoghurt.

Try sheep and goat products.

Protein powder:

Whey protein-powders are processed proteins. However, smoothie protein-powder is very fine to take as occasional snack or in breakfast. Quality is key factor for complete health. So, from above vegetarian protein food stuffs you can get high quality protein. If you require more proteins then switch towards several other things available as well. It is not that the above mentioned are only the protein rich vegetarian food. In addition there are several other sorts of vegetarian foods available that can provide you with right quantity of protein. Some other sorts of choices that are available for you are bee pollen, legumes, spirulina etc. Hence, from the above food stuffs you can have rich protein diet without any non-vegetarian food.

In addition, if you are concerned with the cost aspect, then too you need not to worry at all. It is so because if you would go for such sorts of foods then the best part is that you would get vegetarian food cheaper as compared to the non vegetarian food. So what's the deal in not going for vegetarian protein food? Also you are not required to worry about various problems or diseases than can happen because of eating poor quality non vegetarian food.

Being vegan is itself a special and better choice. Thus, take high protein containing vegetables and fruits in your diet with other vegetarian protein food in order to have protein as per your physical requirements. offers great value on ephedra diet pills, protein powders, and more.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What does the Organic Label Really Mean?

Thanks to the 'Organic' labels -the consumers can now spare themselves the trouble of going through the list of ingredients on a product's packet in order to decide whether it is organic or not. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has introduced a few national standards that need to be met before companies can use the term "organic" for their food items. Any product labeled 'Organic' assures that it is created without the use of artificial hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, bio energy, or irradiation. The farmers involved in the agriculture of organic foods are not only required to abide by certain water and soil conservation mechanisms, but also need to give a benign treatment to animals.

The Definition of Organic

It may be strange yet interesting to note that marking a food item as organic does not necessarily indicate that the food is healthful and nutritive. The USDA does not claim that food produced organically has more salubrious benefits than conventional food, but it does assure that such foods do not contain any pesticides or harmful chemicals. Therefore, the picky consumers, who pay a lot of heed to nutritional values of everything they eat, are still required to read labels attentively in order to decide how nutritious their diet is going to be. Another interpretation conveys that the term 'organic' does not mean 'natural.' All it means is that USDA has approved the food.

USDA's Steps towards Creating Organic Foods

These days, the USDA makes the use of state and private agencies in order to carry out inspections on food companies to certify them to market organic foods. However, all the farmers making less than $5000 through organic sales are exempted from the process of certification. They do however, have to comply with the latest standards of the government and be veracious about their claims for organic label. A fine, as large as $10,000, can be issued upon the companies and individuals, who try to label or sell a product, which does not meet the USDA standards.

The Benefits of Organic Foods over Conventional Foods

The best thing about organic foods is that they comprise of less amounts of minerals. Most of the other foods contain heavy metals, detrimental to our health in the end. These metals include aluminum, which is responsible for Alzheimer's disease; Mercury, which causes neurological damage; and lead, the mental implications of which are known to affect children's IQ adversely.

Therefore, in a world where nothing can be trusted for complete purity, the consumption of foods, certified as organic can certainly define your path towards a healthier lifestyle.

Natures Organic Market offers high quality organic skin care, organic coffee, and more.